being young

 being young 

The Best Juice for Healthy Skin

"Fruit and vegetable juices, prepared in the right combinations, can help you to remove crud from your blood and tissues and restore alkalinity and balance to your system," says Noelle Swatland of  "You see the benefits of this crud removal in younger looking skin and greater energy."
Swatland's favorite skin booster? Cucumber. "Consisting of over 90-percent water, cucumbers are a naturally cooling and hydrating food," she says. Plus, they're rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and silica, which is believed to improve complexion and youthful radiance of your skin.

1 to 2 cucumbers
1 small piece apple (optional, for sweetness)

The Best Juice to Fight Aging

When stress, free-radicals, and lack of exercise and sleep attempt to age your skin, Patty James, certified natural chef and author of More Vegetables Please!, recommends fighting off Mother Nature with antioxidant-packed fruits and veggies that can easily be juiced.

1 1/2 cups liquid of your choice (water, any kind of milk, or aloe vera juice)
1 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries
1 large leaf kale (thick stem removed)
1/2 medium beet

The Best Juice to Boost Energy

Instead of reaching for a coffee, try a green juice instead. "Chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants, helps oxygenate the blood, creating increased brain function and physical energy," says Judita Wignall, author of Going Raw (Quarry Books).

1 large cucumber
8 stalks celery
1 handful kale
1 handful spinach
1 handful parsley
1/4 lemon (with rind if organic)
1-inch piece ginger

The Best Juice for Your Immune System

The Best Juice for Your Immune System

Sip on this to stay well all year! "Broccoli is very high in vitamin C, which increases the production of infection-fighting white blood cells," Wignall says. "Garlic contains sulfur-containing compounds that have powerful immune-boosting antimicrobial properties."

1 small beet
3 carrots
8 stalks celery
1 stalk broccoli
2 cloves garlic

The Best Juice for Sweet Cravings

The Best Juice for Sweet Cravings
"Celery juice helps balance out the sweetness of this juice while providing electrolytes and alkalizing minerals, as well as helping to reduce sugar cravings," Wignall says. Also; cinnamon contains compounds that help regulate blood sugar. Stable blood sugar = less sugar cravings.

2 apples
8 stalks celery
1 dash cinnamon

The Best Juice for Hydration

The Best Juice for Hydration

The coconut in this juice recipe delivers a dose of electrolytes similar to those that balance out our own blood. In fact, doctors have used coconuts to help fight dehydrating diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and influenza, helping save the lives of thousands of children in underdeveloped parts of the world, according to Organic Avenue founder Denise Mari. Coconut water is available in many stores and restaurants (We love Organic Avenue's Indo Coconut Water!), or you can make one for yourself.

1 young, green coconut
Cut it open and drink the water straight out of the coconut!

The Best Juice for Stress Relief

The Best Juice for Stress Relief

When Eat Naked author Margaret Floyd needs to wind down after a long day, she turns to spinach. "Spinach is high in the amino acid tryptophan, which helps elevate your mood and promotes better sleep," Floyd says. "It's also high in magnesium, which helps to relax nerves and muscles."
2 big handfuls spinach
3 to 4 stalks broccoli
3 to 4 stalks celery
1 large or 2 small carrots

The Best Juice for Digestion
The Best Juice for Digestion

Floyd turns to the well-known digestive aid, papaya, when having stomach issues. The fruit contains papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. But it's not the only powerful ingredient in this juice recipe. "Ginger relaxes the intestinal tract and reduces gas; also often used to quell nausea," Floyd says. And cabbage helps cleans waste from the stomach and upper bowels, which improves digestion and reduces constipation.

1/2 small papaya
3 leaves kale
1/8 head cabbage
1 thumb-sized piece ginger
1 wedge lemon

The Best Juice for Fighting Colds
The Best Juice for Fighting Colds

Eric Helms, founder of Juice Generation, stays healthy during cold season by drinking a 1oz "Vital Shot" consisting of ginger, lemon, and cayenne pepper. "Ginger stimulates the digestive system and has long been used as a natural treatment for colds and the flu," Helms says. Cayenne pepper contains a high concentration of beta carotene, which helps rid the body of free radicals that cause cell damage and protects against infection. Finally, the high content of vitamin C in lemon juice can help safeguard your immune system from infection and the common cold, Helms says.

1 ounce organic ginger
1 squeeze lemon
1 pinch cayenne pepper

AUTHOR : Faye Masterson


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